Enter the world of coupled physics

Multiphysics and more based on the finite element method

Funded openCFS implementation projects

The association decided to fund new implementation topics each year. The participants of the annual meeting suggested topics and voted on their favorites, which led to the selection of four projects. An implementation project should be done by a young developer, who will be suported by CFS maintainers. Upon completion (successful merge) of a project, the contributor will be awarded 1000 Euro. Contact us via GitLab if you're interested in a project.

CFSReader Plugin in ParaView

Our long established ParaView plugin for reading openCFS created HDF5 files (*.cfs) has finally been merged into upstream ParaView. This means you can download ParaView nightly builds with the CFSReader plugin included. Just activate it in the Plugin Manager and enjoy visualizing openCFS simulation results.

Previous news













Static Analysis

Transient Analysis

Harmonic Analysis

Multi-Harmonic Analysis

Eigenfrequency Analysis

Nonconforming Grid

Model Order Reduction

Structural Optimization


Association for the promotion of the software

Verein zur Förderung der Forschung im Zusammenhang mit der Software openCFS

The association "Verein zur Förderung der Forschung im Zusammenhang mit der Software openCFS" has been founded in 2020 and its main goal is the promotion of the open source software openCFS for scientific research and education. The main objectives of the association are

  • Comprehensive maintenance and further development of the open source software openCFS
  • Promotion of the use of openCFS for scientific problems which are solved with the help of numerical simulation, thus leading to new, innovative products for the benefit of mankind (Technology for People)
  • Promotion of the scientific documentation of openCFS and the use of openCFS in higher education
  • Promotion of young scientists, especially students at universities in Austria and Germany and worldwide, in the field of numerical simulation of complex technical systems

For details see the Articles of Association (Statuten des Vereins).


Several memberships are available that allow supporting the development and marketing of openCFS. We welcome new members: just contact us by email and please attach the filled out application form with all necessary information.


Frequently Asked Questions